Check out the testimonies from some of P.A.R.T’s active PARTicipants!
“PART is an important emotional support tool for appraisers who, now and then, need reassurance in their professional development, or how they handle clients’ issues or being able to recognize those issues in the first place. PART is also a morale booster. Pandemic or not, we, communal animals, need to talk to each other or at least be present in the company of other fellow-appraisers.” AZ, New York
“Being a member of the first the Booze Schmooze which then evolved and grew into the Professional Appraisers Round Table (PART) has been not only an enjoyable experience but a worthwhile investment of the precious little amount of available time I have. Joining Gayle and others that first night way back in April of 2020 felt like having a group of fellow appraisers from all three of the professional organizations and from such varying specialties to a virtual party in my office. But it has grown to so much more than that. Each week we’ve shared opinions, expertise and resources but also enjoyed laughs along the way which I’m sure broke the ice for those not comfortable being on camera or online virtually but also that underlying uncertainty we were all experiencing through the shared pandemic year plus. I think as a more seasoned appraiser, being part of this group is not only beneficial for me in learning from those practicing in various disciplines about their work or their specialty –and as a Generalist, one can never learn too much – but I think I find most beneficial the ability to share my expertise to my colleagues who may have experience, but more importantly are just starting in the field. It’s a collective community where those who wish to participate in discussions can, or if new to the field, there’s no pressure to sit, listen and learn. Those of us who have given presentations on our various interests or specialties do so with the commitment time and of sharing what we know and helping others better understand the topic. Some who do not wish to present, bring other experts to the group who in turn present on their areas of specialization. And still some bring valuable insights or perspectives to the discussion. We are not all always available to attend the Tuesday weekly meetings, and I myself tend to feel guilty when unable to do so, but when you do join in – there’s something for everyone.” DB, New Hampshire
“PART is a wonderful place for appraisers and allied professionals of many different specialties to come together to share knowledge and learn from each other. The spirit of community and continual learning sparks many rich connections for PART members to thrive in their businesses and forge positive new friendships.” S.R., VA
“The Covid-19 pandemic has been such a tragedy in so many ways, but as with much in life, there always seems to be a silver lining and PART has been that silver lining for me. What started as a “Booze Schmooze” (BS) to gather on line informally with other appraisers has turned out to be a “life line” for me, as living in Florida I felt somewhat isolated, even before the pandemic hit. As BS evolved and invited participants to share their knowledge as well and invitations from other experts, it has been a wealth of information that can easily be accessed and is greatly appreciated since I, as most appraisers, am always looking to increase my knowledge. Attending the lecture along with the “chat box” (which is akin to passing notes during class) there is still an informality and camaraderie to this group that I have come to treasure.” F. R.-W., Florida
“For me, the PART group is a chance to escape, intellectually, with professionals and to develop an invaluable resource that would not have been possible in any other format. I find the sessions informative and refreshingly informal. Thank you!” B.Y., AR
“I am so glad I was invited to join the PART group. Everyone is engaging, stimulating, welcoming and fun and always willing to share information. Recently, a PART member generously spent time with me on the phone providing ideas on how to approach a sticky appraisal. By talking with him, I was able to focus my analysis in a new direction. PART is such terrific resource!” L.K., CA
“The Professional Appraisers Round Table has changed enormously since it began 18 months ago as a refuge for quarantined appraisers worried about the future and seeking assurance that there was still life out there. From being a place to have a glass of wine and chat via Zoom with a few colleagues, it has grown into a network of more than 200 members who gather weekly to network and to receive information that can be of real value in their professional practices. “PART’s true strength, however, remains the informality with which it began. Participants can ask questions of the group, discuss problems they’re having with appraisals, or just vent. All problems aren’t solved during the weekly sessions, but there’s a fair amount of messaging in the chat box along the lines of, ‘Jane – call me onthis, and we can discuss.’ “I have found PART’s members to be generous with their time and advice, and I try to be the same. It’s worth exploring.” R.U., New York
“I learn something every single week from the broad range of professionals in the business, and I have a venue to ask questions and get referrals. This is an invaluable resource for all things related to personal property appraisals.” S.C., Texas
“I have really enjoyed these weekly get-togethers. As a single subject appraiser (stamps) there are times (at the annual Conference, for instance) when I don’t find the discussions interesting. But, the PART meetings have truly been a delight. There is always something to learn. And, wanting to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. I have also participated in three of the weekly presentations. Thanks and keep it up!” R.C., Pennsylvania
“I love and appreciate the diversity of topics and subjects from the various speakers such coins, silver, artists information, frames and more. They are most informative! This helps with referrals and contacts. The list of members and their specialties is very helpful. PART is a great resource.”
P.B., Pennsylvania
“P.A.R.T. Zoom meetings are something I look forward to every Tuesday. The collaborative support of members in the group during this challenging time is refreshing. P.A.R.T. Presenters share their connoisseurship and passion. I feel my participation with P.A.R.T. gave me the opportunity to meet & network with fellow appraisers in a causal environment.” W.D., New York
Virtual wine tours and related sessions were an uplifting escape from the dregs of Covid19; IRS, legal, and governance issues are always enhanced by PARTicipants questions and comments; the casual element of humor and good will put the “fun” back in to appraisal communication (sharing information with colleagues I refer to my “Zoom group friends”). I can’t wait to meet and talk with everyone at the next AAA in person conference. Practical discussions (Bill’s house construction, model trains, and silver identification and care) give the evening a very personal flair. The youth element ideas (new NYU/CASP program graduates, and Sarah’s awesome website contribution) give the discussions an optimistic future.” T.B., MI
“Knowing there is a community of appraisers of all levels of experience out there communicating openly, learning together and strengthening our profession is just a small PART of the value I get from this dedicated group of professionals”. Anonymous, USA
“I have gleaned from P.A.R.T.:
Varied and interesting topics – art and appraising wise
Great to get to know other appraisers
Keeping current with appraising topics
Personally – it committed me to produce a PowerPoint for my own specialization
A weekly social meeting” C.K., New York
“In additional to everything obvious, P.A.R.T. allows appraisers to learn about areas outside their specialization…in a relaxed setting. I particularly find beneficial are the Q&A and the related discussions about any related field.” K.R., New York
“I look forward to PART Tuesday evenings because I always learn something interesting and new in our field!” C.B., Washington, D.C.
“It’s free!” Anonymous, USA
“I do think that P.A.R.T. is a unique organization as a truly “grass roots” start-up for folks interested in the field of appraising. I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to present to the group via Zoom this summer, and I appreciate the opportunity which the group provides to learn from colleagues who have expertise that I lack.” S.K., New York
“PART has introduced me to a range of specialties and contacts beyond my own area of specialization, enabling me to broaden my horizons and better serve my clients.” AC, NYC
“PART Tuesday night meetings have been my weekly happy place. Having the opportunity to connect with colleagues, educate myself, get answers to questions, and build my library of resources and network of specialist/expert contacts has been a gift that keeps giving. I cannot thank Gayle Skluzacek enough for all that she gives to all of us….Thank you Gayle!!” E.L.P, Miami Beach